Acrylic Prints

Order Acrylic Prints

Our crystal clear Acrylic Prints are the perfect choice for modern homes, galleries and workspaces. Acrylic Photo Prints make a fantastic alternative to traditionally framed products, with no frame around the image your photograph takes centre stage. Clean, sleek edges and a high-gloss, contemporary finish are the hallmarks of this stunning product.

Printed on synthetic high gloss paper using our 11 colour epson fine art printer and face-mounted edge-to-edge on polished 5mm thick acrylic. With a further 3mm highly durable Foamex backing the Acrylic Print is the perfect product for hanging within a modern environment whether at home or commercial, the combination of 5mm Acrylic and 3mm Foamex results in the ideal weighted product. 3mm Foamex is available in black or white. Aluminium subframe for hanging allowing the product to appear floating from the wall.

Lead time 7-10 working days

Acrylic Prints
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